
Parish Council AGM

The Parish Council AGM will take place on Tuesday 21 April 2024 at 7pm in the village hall followed by the Parish Council monthly meeting at 7.30pm.  All...


WANTED Someone reliable and local to Long Load  for 2 hours per week to clean the Village Hall from end of May If you are interested   Please contact 01458 241202 or 01458 241415...

The Knife Angel visits Somerset in April

The Knife Angel visits Somerset in April. A sculpture which aims to raise awareness of the negative effects of violence and aggression will be in Somerset next month as part of a nationwide...

Somerset Council Budget Consultation

On Monday, Somerset Council’s Executive Committee discussed important Budget Update papers. This was a key milestone in the difficult budget setting process for 2024/25 and will be of interest to...

Useful Community Phone Numbers

Here's a list of local phone numbers below. You can also download and print a copy via this link:  Local Phone Numbers Doctors – Martock 01935 822541 Martock Pharmacy 01935...

Welcome from Long Load Parish Council

On behalf of the Long Load Parish Council, it gives me great pleasure to welcome you to our new web site. Long Load is a small village on the edge of the Somerset levels. Our most...